Through the darkened corners of my life, she illuminates my soul...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Just a thought...

Love is like the platonic adjoining of the sea against a beaches' shorelines.
One day you are at the highest elavation of your affection;
The tide is in and the waters are relatively calm
You may even hear divine voices if you listen closely.
But eventually the quiet before the storm manifests through crashing waves and white washed walls.
Tumbling down and pulling back...
Away from the shores and back into the abysmal emptiness of the oceans unknown, simultaneously erasing all exsisting evidence of a previous love;
Just as the tide erases previous footprints.
It may take one... two... or even three passes to smooth out the rough edges of the pasts indentations but eventually, you will be able to love yet again,
and new footprints will inevitably emerge
replacing older, less significant memories.

Atiwi Saka

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